you decided to pat DEPRESSION. it curls up in your lap and sobs, rubbing its head against your palm.
after a while, it begins to calm down, it looks up at you, smiling through its tears.
it hands you a plush animal before scampering away.

+ worn bunny plushie
it's so soft, just hugging it makes you feel much safer
you feel a bit exhausted because of the previous fights, would you like to rest?

you rested enough! i'm proud of you.
continue on your journey?

HP : 25
you encounter another monster!
a large, wolf-like figure cowers before you, clenching tightly onto a rabbit with its jaws.
it looks afraid of you and keeps muttering things you don't understand.
you decided to hug GAD.
it calms down a bit but continues to whimper in your arms. for a moment, it drops the rabbit from its jaws and licks your face.
you're filled with happiness and now you feel hungry!
do you want to eat the burger?

you decide to attack GAD and plunge your dagger into its side. it lets out a wail, dropping the rabbit from its jaws. with a concoction of fear and anger in its eyes, it lunges at you and snaps its powerful jaws around your neck.
its fear flows into you. overwhelming anxiety fills your entire body, you scream out for help.
but no one came.
you decided to eat the burger.
i'm proud of you for eating!
as you continue on your journey, you feel something watching you from behind.
turn around?

HP : 30
you encounter another monster!
its a small, almost cat-like slime creature, bouncing after you and following your every move.
it seems obsessed with you and won't leave you alone.

you decide to attack BPD.
awful idea.
feeling rejected and abandoned, its jaw unhinges to reveal an alarming amount of sharp teeth.
through its desperate sobs, it rips off your head, swallowing it hole.
now you'll never be apart.